Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I can't help but smile everytime I see your face.

So today's a Wednesday. Halfway through the week. Two more days til I pack up and head up to Des Moines to visit my extended family. My parents are gonna drop me off there and then drive up to Omaha to do some boring stuff that I didn't really want to be a part of. So I'm going up there with some money I earned from hardcore babysitting, and we'll see how everything goes there. I will bring my laptop so I can update.

So today I got to hang out with my friend Alexis. She and I go to school together and we just bonded over a common love for American Idol. We would discuss it every week and also talk about our lives. Just so nice to have a friend you can talk to about stuff.

And then tonight was just another typical lonely night. I had a sandwich, made some coffee, watched some early evening TV just to kill time before my Wednesday night show, I Survived a Japanese Game Show. Great show on ABC, you should watch it. This weeks episode was preempted because President Obama was giving a press conference.

I got into I Survived a Japanese Game Show last summer. I saw previews for it and it looked really funny. So I tuned into the first episode and it was really funny, so I made it a priority to watch every week. It was very entertaining and I couldn't wait to see what they did next.

When I heard it was coming back for a second season, I couldn't wait to watch it. I am a member of a fansite for one of my favorite singers, David Archuleta. I started a topic about the show in the "Off-Topic Discussion" section of his site. My friend Stephie commented in the thread and she said that she watched it last year and didn't know they were making a new season, so she would watch it. The week she started watching was the week Bobaloo went home.

So now I make an effort to comment on the week's episode each week. I found Stephie on Twitter and we'll try to talk more about it.

I had a contestant last season that I was attached to, and this season I have one as well. My favorite contestant this year is named Dan Barbour. He's a 25-year-old young adult librarian from Shrewsbury, MA. My dad is from a town just outside of Boston, and Shrewsbury's near Boston and Worcester, so maybe my dad has heard about him. I like Dan for the following reasons:

1. We share a lot of similarities (both from small towns, both are religious virgins, both love to read, both are single, and are both pretty tall. I'm 5'8". I'm not sure how tall he is)
2. He's VERY attractive (and Stephie thinks he's pretty cute too)
3. I just have this very strange feeling that Dan will end up being like last years winner Justin Wood: he'll be the guy who kinda just hangs out in the background and ends up winning the whole shebang. Dan's been up for 2 elimination challenges and he won both in like a landslide, and I think he's got the potential to win this whole thing. He's a strong competitor, is always willing to take some heat, and never backs down from anything, and never says never.

I did a video blog awhile ago talking a little bit about Dan and I shared my thoughts about him being a future strong competitor. And I shared it with Stephie and she agrees with me and declared that we are now "Team Dan".

He has a blog on here if you want to read it. The address of it is You can read it if you want. Judging from his blogs, he seems like a very down-to-earth person. And he's replied to me a couple of times on his facebook page, and (to borrow the phrase from him) oh my word he's so sweet! He's got me started saying "oh my word" and abbreviating it too (omw).

So that's my story of the day. If you have any thoughts you would like to leave, feel free to do so. And you DON'T have to use blogger to comment!

Love y'all,

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