Sunday, July 19, 2009

He's got me like nobody.

There's something about Sundays.........they're usually quiet, boring, and they usually provide you with nothing to do. But not today.

Today my Sunday was actually quite exciting. My stepdad took me out to see the new "Harry Potter" movie, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". I have been a Harry Potter fan since I was young. It took me awhile to get into it, and I was actually resistant to read it at first because it just didn't seem like something I'd be interested in, but one day over my Christmas vacation when I was, I believe, 11 or 12, I read the first chapter of the first book, and part of the second chapter, and I ended up enjoying it. So I ended up getting the first 4 books as birthday/Christmas presents, then had some quite memorable adventures getting the last 3. And before I give my review of the movie, I will tell you all about my adventures getting the last 3 books.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 5, came out in the summer of 2003, which, for me, was the summer before my 8th grade year. I reserved a copy of the book at a local bookstore downtown, and my stepdad took me to get it at midnight. There was a line that extended towards a local resturant. But since I had reserved my copy I was guaranteed to get one. It took awhile to get the book, but when I got home I stayed up reading it until 1:00 am and then went to sleep. And then another day it was a rainy day, so I just finished reading it and cried towards the end. It is the longest book in the series, but I loved it.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Book 6, came out in the summer of 2005, the summer before my sophomore year. I was in Boston at the time, visiting my dad and stepmom, and we were driving up to my stepmom's lakehouse in upstate New York. My stepmom reserved 3 copies of the book at a bookstore in Schenectady, NY, and with reserved purchase of the book we got tickets to a free screening of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", which was the most recently released movie at the time. That was a good movie. During the scene where Hermione punched Malfoy in the face, the entire room started applauding. At the end of the movie it wasn't quite midnight, but we got a good spot in the line, and we had already reserved copies of the book, so we were good to get in and out. And when it was 1 minute til midnight, we counted down the last 10 seconds and then got our books. My stepmom stayed up all night reading it and then finished it the next day, and she started crying towards the end. I was at camp and I finished it then. I don't remember if I cried.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Book 7, came out in the summer of 2007, the summer before my senior year. That summer, I had a job as a junior counselor at a summer camp. They were going to get a free order of the books to be able for purchase in the camp store. My mom ended up pre-ordering it on and having it shipped out to my camp. It didn't come to my camp on the exact day, but 2 days later. The night I got it I had on-duty, where I sit outside my cabin area and make sure everything is quiet and orderly. Since my girls were 8-10 years old, that was an easy task. So I just sat outside and read book 7 until I got off, and then I woke up at 6:00 am the next day and finished it. And then I loaned it to my friend Meg cuz she wanted to read it and was unable to get it at the time. I loaned her my copy. She had to leave before the end of camp, and she didn't finish it but she gave it back to me. And my friend Patrick and I discussed the ending. He was disappointed that it ended up being a "Disney" ending. And I gave my theory on the ending: they just couldn't kill Harry. He's the title character, the books are all about him. Similar to how Meredith Grey couldn't be killed off "Grey's Anatomy" during season 3. They did a 3-part story arc where there was a ferry accident. Meredith was helping a patient and he had a spasm and knocked her into the water, where she started drowning. She eventually was rescued by her boyfriend, Dr. Derek Shepherd but had already come down with hypothermia. In the 3rd part she had a near-death experience and ended up being revived. Exactly the same reason: she's the main character of the show, the show is named after her, killing her off would be simply Not Done.

Enough of my theories, time to give a movie review.

Every time I see a Harry Potter movie, I always think the next movie is better than the previous movie. I still have not seen "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" as I was at camp and just unable to get to a theater to see it, and I haven't gotten around to renting it.

That being said, I did enjoy the 6th movie very much. I hadn't read the book in quite some time, but I do remember some of the elements of the story. Some of the major parts were taken out, such as the beginning chapter with the Muggle Prime Minister, Bill Weasley's engagement to Fleur Delacour, and any part with Harry's aunt and uncle. Instead, Harry is picked up by Dumbledore in a cafe in London.

The movie had a beautiful look to it, and all of the key actors (Daniel Radcliffe, my man Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson), did a good job performing. I also enjoyed Jessie Cave as Ron's (Grint) girlfriend Lavender Brown, and was also quite jealous of her since she got to kiss my crush from the Harry Potter cast. And I can sympathize with Hermione (Watson) too, because I know how it feels to see the guy you like flirting with another girl and making affection towards her. It hurts. A lot. I have had a crush on one of my best friends since last summer and it just hurts so much to hear he's with another girl. But I keep my jealousy in check.

Without giving anything away, I will say that the ending left me in shock. Even though I knew what was going to happen since I had read the book, my mouth still fell open during the climax and remained that way for like 5 minutes. But the movie ended on a good note, and had me looking forward to the next two installments that will make up the 7th book in the series. Part 1 of "Deathly Hallows" comes out in December 2010, and part 2 in June 2011. Overall, I will give "Half-Blood Prince" **** out of ****.

Well, that's my review........if you have seen the movie and would like to comment on it, go ahead! You don't have to be a blogger user to comment. Next week or the following week I will be going on vacation, and I may go see a movie with my cousin Rachel, and if I do I will give my review.


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