Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's not always easy being this far apart, but don't you get the feeling we're connected at the heart?

Another crazy day, another episode of Survivor for me to recap.

The rain in Samoa didn't let up the night of Foa Foa's tribal council. Similar to what was going on in my hometown today: it was raining and cold and windy. Liz is still worried about being voted out.

On day 15, the rain finally lets up and a rainbow appears. Galu is intrigued by it, and who wouldn't be!? I have always loved rainbows and seeing them.

Before the challenge begins, Jeff Probst announces that both tribes will be going to Tribal Council. The winning tribe will sit in on the losing tribe's TC and eat pizza.

The tribes were neck-and-neck in the challenge, with Foa Foa having a slight lead. During the puzzle assembly stage, Russell S., the leader of Galu, gets weaker and eventually blacks out. Jeff calls for the Medical Team and stops the challenge. Russell's blood pressure drops and Jeff declares the challenge done and that neither tribe wins the reward, but that there will still be Tribal Council.

With Russell, his blood pressure is now stable, but his heart rate drops dramatically and he blacks out again. Jeff tells him that there is no way he will be able to continue, and from his tone of voice, he seems heartbroken. Russell tries to protest but Jeff won't back down. Russell eventually stops.

At Tribal Council, all 13 castaways sit together and talk about the day's events. Everyone expresses remorse for Russell going and talks about the challenge. Russell H. and Mick think that Foa Foa had a moral win, but Erik thinks that Galu's spirit will live on even without their leader. Jeff then states that because this is the first time in the history of the show that a challenge was not completed, nobody would be voted out of either tribe.

It's always sad to see someone be evacuated because of medical reasons, but this one was especially hard. His heart rate dropped dramatically and it was scary to watch. Jeff Probst himself said it was the scariest thing that has happened in 19 seasons of Survivor. It was sad to see Russell go, but he knew it was the right thing to do and went out in good spirits despite the scare. I really liked Russell, even though he was a little annoying with his power trips.

And now that Galu is without a leader, Jeff gave them the assignment of picking a new one. I guess we'll find out who it is in the next episode.

Any comments that you care to leave, feel free to do so. And you DO NOT have to be a blogger member to comment!

Love y'all,

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