Thursday, October 8, 2009

How am I supposed to breathe with no air?

It's 9:30 pm my time in my crazy little house, and since my computer charger died I have to borrow a laptop to do my Survivor recap. I'll do my best to recap it, but I couldn't get to a computer til just now so my memory may be a little vague.

At Foa Foa, Jaison can't stand the way things are going. I don't blame him. I don't think I'd be able to handle being out in the wilderness.

At Galu, Erik manages to find the Hidden Immunity Idol using the clues that Yasmin and Shambo had recieved. This could help him in the long run.

The Reward Challenge is a more individual challenge: The leaders select two people, one man and one woman, to accompany them to a challenge. Russell S. chooses Dave and Shambo and Mick chooses Russell H. and Natalie. The challenge is similar to Bochi Balls where Foa Foa is in the lead until a final toss by Dave secures their victory. Galu wins chickens to have for their tribe.

Back at Foa Foa, Russell talks to Natalie about taking her all the way to the final two. Natalie agrees to it and states in a confessional that she could possibly beat Russell since nobody likes him.

At the Immunity Challenge, Galu had a strong lead, but during the rope bridge stage Ashley and Russell made up a lot of ground and manage to secure their first Immunity win, which means someone from Galu will be voted out tonight.

Back at Galu, Russell talks with Erik about voting out Monica due to her weakness in the Immunity Challenge, while Monica talks with the others about voting out Yasmin because she doesn't pull her weight at camp.

At Tribal Council, life at camp and the challenge are discussed. Yasmin tries to state her case but ends up being voted out 8-2. Yasmin didn't have much of an impression on me, but her argument with Ben when she came to visit Foa Foa made me like her because Ben insulted her and I felt bad for her. So peace out Yasmin. And try not to kill yourself in the heels you wore into the game.

So there's Lily's Survivor recap for this week. Will try to update as much as I can next week but we'll see how things work out.

Love y'all,

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