Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Forgive me my weakness but I don't know why, without you it's hard to survive.

Another Tuesday done!

Today I woke up at like 6:15 am, which is early for me. I'm used to sleeping in, but then again, I have to get back in the "school" routine since school starts for me on the 24th. My siblings start this Thursday.

Big events of the day were that I went to school to figure out my schedule, only to learn that Walk-In Advising ended JUST as I got there, so I have to go back tomorrow. I need to figure out a class to take the place of Spanish. Per the suggestion of my mom I dropped it, but I need to meet with an adviser to figure out a class to take in its place because I'll drop below full-time if I don't. Plus my siblings had their back-to-school ice cream social, but I didn't go. I stayed home to watch The Daily 10 and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. My friend Kayla and I kept our commentary going via Twitter, just like we did for I Survived a Japanese Game Show. The celebrity guest tonight was Wynonna Judd, who Kayla loves. I haven't heard too many of her songs, but I will have to give some a listen.

Also, I learned that Shania Twain is going to be a guest judge during the American Idol auditions. I grew up listening to her and have 2 of her CDs. I remember at my 11th birthday party, we rented a limo and drove around town, and during the trip we listened to Shania and sang along. She's an amazing artist, one of my favorite country singers. I re-uploaded one of her CDs to my iPod and plan on re-uploading the other one soon.

So that's the story of my life on August 18th, so I will sign off for now and just relax to the sounds of this playlist I started making a few days ago.

Love y'all,

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