Monday, July 5, 2010

You've got a piece of me, and honestly, my life would suck without you.

I just remembered that I completely forgot to post my "Survivor: Heroes vs Villains" end-of-season video. But before I do, here's my one from "Survivor: Samoa", to get an idea of how it will look.

That video was done last winter in one sitting, while the video for "Heroes vs Villains" I edited every week, based on the order. I will do the same thing for the upcoming season, "Survivor: Nicaragua".

But, for now, here is my video for "Heroes vs Villains":

Enjoy the videos! At another point I will post my "American Idol" videos from the past 2 seasons.

Love y'all,


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Spin me round again and rub my eyes, this can't be happening, when busy streets a mess with people would stop to hold their heads heavy.

Sorry for disappearing on y'all for awhile. My bus pass expired at the end of May and therefore I haven't been able to get on the computer. I have access to one for awhile, so I am going to write a blog.

As you know, I wrote a blog on May 1st about the SNL Digital Short "Dear Sister". And now I want to share the original scene that the short satirized.

This scene is from "The Dearly Beloved" the second season finale of the tv show "The OC". Originally aired on May 15th, 2005, the episode reached 7.6 million viewers.

The video is shown here:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fly me to the moon, let me sing among those stars, let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars.

Here is a recap of the last episode of "Survivor".

After Tribal Council, Rupert and Colby realize that their fellow Heroes tribemate, Candice, has turned on them. Jerri is ready to vote Candice out because they no longer need her extra vote.

Rupert and Russell argued over the game the next day in front of the entire tribe. I personally applaud Rupert for calling Russell out because Russell isn't the best player. He has a bad reputation.

The castaways go to their challenge site and learn that they are playing for Immunity. The challenge is won by Parvati, who has won that particular challenge before. Jeff reads a clue to a Hidden Immunity Idol at their camp, and when they return to camp, Sandra finds the Idol. Rupert sticks a rock in his pocket to throw people off. Russell falls for the trick and conspires with his alliance to split the vote between Rupert and Colby, while Colby and Rupert decide to vote for Candice in revenge for her betrayal. The girls decide to turn on Russell and vote for Candice.

At the first Tribal Council, The Villains split the vote between Candice and Rupert, and Colby and Rupert vote for Candice, sending her to the jury by a vote of 5-3. I've always liked Candice since her first season in the Cook Islands, and named my first digital camera after her. Sad to see her go, but I kind of saw it coming because of her flip last week. Peace out Candice.

After the first Tribal Council, Russell is upset that his alliance didn't follow his plan. They agree to target Rupert in the next Tribal Council.

The second immunity challenge is won by Russell. He was concerned that Parvati and Danielle were too close, since he wanted Parvati on his side, so he decided to stir up trouble by saying Parvati was targeting Danielle and vice versa. The two girls talked to each other about it and realized that Russell was trying to split them up. They turned to Sandra and Jerri to try to save Danielle. Russell convinces the two Heroes to vote for Danielle.

At Tribal Council, Danielle and Russell argued over what he said to her, and I know Danielle was correct and Russell was lying to her face in front of everyone else. This caused Danielle to break down in tears and I felt bad for the poor girl. After the vote, it is revealed that Jerri switched her vote, causing Danielle to be voted out 4-3. Danielle has always been one of my all-time favorite players, and I hated to see her go out the way she did. If Russell makes it to the end, she'll get a chance to call him out. Peace out Danielle, and stay beautiful.

That's all for Survivor this week. A recap of The Hills will come soon.

Love y'all,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth, mid-sweet talk newspaper word cutouts, speak no feeling, no I don't believe you, you don't care a bit.

Today I have a video I would like to share with you guys. A recap of last night's episode of "The Hills" will come soon as well.

"The Shooting", also known as "Dear Sister", was an SNL Digital Short that originally aired on April 14th, 2007. The short is a satire of "The Dearly Beloved", the second-season finale of the TV show "The O.C.".

The video is shown here (I couldn't figure out how to directly post it to this blog).

Before I talk about it, there is some history on the video I will share. Two days after the original airing of the short was the Virginia Tech shootings. 33 people were killed in this shooting, including the killer, who committed suicide when he was done killing people. The short was found to be in poor taste after the massacre and was never uploaded to youtube or NBC's website. It did start a wave of reenacments on youtube, but now because of the dispute between youtube and Warner Music Group, many of the videos have their audio muted. I have found the original video on Photobucket.

The video is a good satire of the scene in "The O.C.", which I have seen. If you notice, every time Kristen Wiig is shot, the music, "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap, restarts. And as Jason Sudeikis and Fred Armisen shoot each other, the music overlaps. It's very funny, but also satirical. I showed this video to my boyfriend and we both enjoyed watching it together.

A recap of last night's episode of "The Hills" will come soon, and "Survivor" will come on Friday. Saturday Night Live is a new epsisode, with host Betty White and musical guest Jay-Z. I will try to write about that.

Love y'all,

Friday, April 30, 2010

You've got a way, it seems, you give me faith to find my dreams, you'll never know just what that means, can't you see you've got a way with me.

Tuesday, April 27th, was the premiere episode of the final season of "The Hills". I will be recapping the end of the phenomenon that began in 2006.

The first part of the episode was Lo Bosworth and Stephanie Pratt discussing all of the plastic surgery procedures that their friend Heidi Montag has had done. Heidi tells her husband Spencer Pratt that she is going to visit her family in Colorado. Spencer wants to come with her, but her family doesn't like him.

The episode flipped back and forth between Miami, FL and Crested Butte, CO. In Colorado, Heidi and her sister Holly met with her mom to talk about the procedures she had done. Her mom thinks she looked better before, and Heidi is upset about that.

In Florida, Lo, Stephanie, Audrina Patridge and Kristin Cavallari are on vacation. Kristin's ex-boyfriend, Brody Jenner, is flirting with Audrina and Audrina is a bit concerned about that since she knows Kristin still has feelings for him. They go out to a club and Brody continues to hit on Audrina, and Audrina is still uncomfortable with it so she, Lo, and Stephanie leave, and Kristin stays out and doesn't come home until the next morning.

Back in Colorado, Heidi and her family go out to dinner and her mom, Darlene, still continues to object to the work Heidi had done. Heidi breaks down in tears, but her stepfather is there to comfort her.

In Florida, Lo, Stephanie and Audrina talk with Kristin about just staying at the hotel for the night since Kristin isn't feeling well. Kristin agrees to it, and she leaves the room. Lo, Audrina and Stephanie are concerned that Kristin may be doing drugs. She stays out all night, her voice is raspy and she's just not doing well. Later that night, the trio waits around for Kristin, only to find that she went out again.

The day the group leaves to go back to Los Angeles, they discuss Kristin's potential drug use more. Kristin overhears them and confronts them about it, and denies she has a problem, and calls out Stephanie for just assuming it was true, since Stephanie has a history of alcohol abuse. The trio leaves, and Kristin stays behind for a little bit, then follows them.

Heidi bids farewell to her family and they drive her back to the airport so she can go back home to LA.

This upcoming season of The Hills looks very intense and dramatic. Who knows how it will end. The first episode was a good start to the season. Plenty of drama to go around.

Love y'all,

Any man of mine better walk the line, better show me a teasin', squeezin', pleasin' kinda time.

Here is my recap of "Survivor" one day late.

After the stunning move Parvati made at the last Tribal Council, Russell confronts her about it and feels that his alliance is falling apart.

The next day, Russell talks to Candice about joining the Villains' alliance, thinking she is the best bet to flip her loyalties. She agrees to flip to their side.

The Reward Challenge is won by the team of Colby, Amanda and Danielle. While on their reward, Danielle discovers a clue to a new Hidden Immunity Idol. Amanda sees her try to hide it and the two fight over it, until Colby tells Amanda to give the clue back to Danielle, which she does.

When the trio returns from their reward, Danielle shares the clue with her alliance and tells them that Amanda and her fought over it. Russell and Danielle go to find the Idol, and Russell finds it and keeps it a secret from his alliance, but shows it to Candice to secure her loyalty.

Sandra tells Rupert that she is on the outside of the Villains alliance and wants to flip over to their side. Rupert believes her and they plot to vote out Russell.

The Immunity Challenge is won by Jerri, securing her first Immunity win in all of the seasons that she's been on Survivor. Sandra and the Heroes plot to vote out Russell, but then change their mind when they figure out that Danielle might have the Immunity Idol and wouldn't give it to anyone. They then decide to vote out Parvati. Russell tells Candice he wants to vote for Amanda because she is a great stratigest, and Candice agrees to vote for her. She also tells Russell that the Heroes are plotting to vote him out. Russell confronts Sandra about it and Sandra confronts Candice about what she said.

At Tribal Council, the issues of trust among the Villains' alliance are discussed, and it is revealed that there are cracks in that alliance. Before the votes are read, Russell plays the Immunity Idol, but for naught since no votes were cast against him. Candice and Sandra stick to the Villains' side to vote out Amanda 6-3. Amanda has always been one of my all-time favorites. She's made it to the end twice, and now she gets to be on the other side of the game as a jury member. Peace out Amanda, love you.

Saturday is a rebroadcast of Saturday Night Live that I have written about, but May 8th is a new episode. Tuesday is a new episode of The Hills, and my next post will be about the premiere episode.

Love y'all,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Take these words and sing out loud, cuz everyone is forgiven now, cuz tonight's the night the world begins again

Last night was Survivor. It was a fairly good episode. I will write about it as best as I can remember.

The Heroes recieve a box in their Treemail and are told to wait for the key, which leads them to believe a merge is coming. The Villains recieve a key and a map to the Heroes' camp, which also leads them to believe a merge is coming. They go to the Heroes' camp, they unlock the box and it is revealed that they are now merged. They decide to name their tribe Yin Yang, based on the good and evil sides.

Russell explains to J.T. why Parvati is still there, and he relays it to the rest of the Heroes. But Sandra pulls her old "Pearl Islands" ally, Rupert, aside and tells him the truth. He believes her, and tries to tell the tribe her story, but nobody believes him, as Sandra is a part of the Villains' tribe as well. They decide to tell Russell that they are voting for Parvati, but in reality vote for one of the other Villains. Russell gives Parvati his immunity idol to keep her safe.

Amanda realigns with her ally from Micronesia, Parvati, and Parvati tells her she has a Hidden Immunity Idol. They agree to trust each other.

The first individual Immunity Challenge is won by Danielle after Parvati voluntarily steps off. The Heroes decide to vote for either Sandra or Jerri, believing one of them is less likely to have the idol, while the Villains conspire to vote for J.T. for voluntarily giving Russell his idol.

At Tribal Council, the Heroes and Villains discuss the atmosphere at the camp, where tribe lines still appear to be divided. Before the votes are read, Parvati pulls out her two immunity idols, gives one to Sandra and one to Jerri. The Heroes' votes against Jerri are negated, leaving only the Villains' votes for J.T., who ends up being voted out 5-0. I loved J.T. his first season on, but this season he made a stupid mistake in giving Russell his idol. But I still love him and wish him all the luck in the world. Peace out J.T.

This Saturday is a new Saturday Night Live, with host Gabourey Sidibe and musical guest MGMT. I will do my best to write about that, along with this week's 2 episodes of "16 and Pregnant" (one of which I need to re-watch), and the season premiere of "The Hills".

Love y'all,