Friday, October 30, 2009

Cuz you're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down.

Like I promised last night, I had a very cute interview to show you guys.

This interview is of the most recent "Dancing With the Stars" castoffs, Melissa Joan Hart and Louie Vito, two of my favorites since week 1. Melissa Joan Hart is famous for starring as the title roles in "Clarissa Explains It All" and "Sabrina the Teenage Witch". I grew up watching both of those TV shows, so she has become one of my favorite actresses. Louie Vito is a professional snowboarder. I don't follow snowboarding so I had no clue who he was until I watched the show. When I first saw him dance, I thought he was really cute. He was the ultimate underdog: not only had he never danced a step in his life, he had never even watched "Dancing With the Stars" before he went on. He was a pretty good dancer, and so was Melissa. They weren't the best and they knew they weren't the best, but they still worked hard.

After the two of them were eliminated from the most recent episode of "Dancing With the Stars", they appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live. My new friend Wallace told me about them being featured on it, so I decided to stay up and watch them. And I just thought the interview was SO cute. My crush on Louie Vito has grown significantly after that interview. And he replied to me on Twitter last night thanking me for voting for him every week. I thought that was just so nice and sweet.

So if you're a Dancing With the Stars fan, feel free to comment on my current thoughts on it. And you DO NOT have to be a blogger member to comment!

Love y'all,

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I'm only falling apart.

So, it's finally Thursday. And you know what that means! It's time for Lily's Survivor recap.

At Galu, Erik proposes having Shambo be the new leader after Russell S.'s departure, and the other guys agree to it. The next day the tribe does a vote and the majority chooses Shambo to be the leader. This decision does not sit well with Monica.

The Reward Challenge is closely contested, but ultimately Galu ends up victorious. New leader Shambo selects Laura to observe Foa Foa. She easily gets along with Natalie and Russell H., and that doesn't sit well with Liz. Russell forms a secret alliance with Laura to go to the end and Laura agrees.

At the Immunity Challenge, Foa Foa gains a lead, but during the puzzle assembly stage Jaison gets frustrated and then Galu once again ends up victorius, which means that once again, Foa Foa will be heading to Tribal Council.

At Foa Foa, Russell contemplates voting out Jaison due to his lack of willpower in the challenge. At Tribal, Jeff points out that their losing streak is one of the worst losing streaks in the history of Survivor. After tonight they'll be down 4 members to Galu's 8. After the vote, Liz is on the recieving end of a 4-1 blindside. I was very neutral on Liz. She seemed like an ok player and her vote against Jaison tonight, she said, was strictly strategical. So peace out Liz. I wish I could think of something witty to say to you.

Next week they merge. Will Foa Foa be able to hold themselves together? Could they pull a Jalapao from "Tocantins" and decimate the former Galu one-by-one? We'll see what happens next week.

And remind me tomorrow, I have a REALLY cute interview I'd like to show you. And then of course I'll blog on Halloween as well.

Love y'all,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's not always easy being this far apart, but don't you get the feeling we're connected at the heart?

Another crazy day, another episode of Survivor for me to recap.

The rain in Samoa didn't let up the night of Foa Foa's tribal council. Similar to what was going on in my hometown today: it was raining and cold and windy. Liz is still worried about being voted out.

On day 15, the rain finally lets up and a rainbow appears. Galu is intrigued by it, and who wouldn't be!? I have always loved rainbows and seeing them.

Before the challenge begins, Jeff Probst announces that both tribes will be going to Tribal Council. The winning tribe will sit in on the losing tribe's TC and eat pizza.

The tribes were neck-and-neck in the challenge, with Foa Foa having a slight lead. During the puzzle assembly stage, Russell S., the leader of Galu, gets weaker and eventually blacks out. Jeff calls for the Medical Team and stops the challenge. Russell's blood pressure drops and Jeff declares the challenge done and that neither tribe wins the reward, but that there will still be Tribal Council.

With Russell, his blood pressure is now stable, but his heart rate drops dramatically and he blacks out again. Jeff tells him that there is no way he will be able to continue, and from his tone of voice, he seems heartbroken. Russell tries to protest but Jeff won't back down. Russell eventually stops.

At Tribal Council, all 13 castaways sit together and talk about the day's events. Everyone expresses remorse for Russell going and talks about the challenge. Russell H. and Mick think that Foa Foa had a moral win, but Erik thinks that Galu's spirit will live on even without their leader. Jeff then states that because this is the first time in the history of the show that a challenge was not completed, nobody would be voted out of either tribe.

It's always sad to see someone be evacuated because of medical reasons, but this one was especially hard. His heart rate dropped dramatically and it was scary to watch. Jeff Probst himself said it was the scariest thing that has happened in 19 seasons of Survivor. It was sad to see Russell go, but he knew it was the right thing to do and went out in good spirits despite the scare. I really liked Russell, even though he was a little annoying with his power trips.

And now that Galu is without a leader, Jeff gave them the assignment of picking a new one. I guess we'll find out who it is in the next episode.

Any comments that you care to leave, feel free to do so. And you DO NOT have to be a blogger member to comment!

Love y'all,

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Read my body language, I do what you like, like, come into my spotlight

So I decided to blog today about something other than Survivor. Even tho there's really not much in my life to blog about.

School has been going okay. I can't believe it's midterm already. Some bad things have happened too: fights, heartbreak, stress, and people I care about getting sick. But things have slowly come back to normal. And I got my laptop fixed, so I'll be able to blog a bit more.

Lately, I've been confiding a lot in my friend Jason. We met online through a mutual love for Kris Allen. We mostly discuss episodes of reality shows on CBS, like Survivor and The Amazing Race, and other things too.

Jason's one of those people I can share anything with and he'll listen and give advice. And he relates to my situations pretty well too. He always has good things to say. We always have deep discussions on various reality shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, and The Amazing Race. Sometimes we agree on things, sometimes we disagree.

And he's just a good listener. He listens to whatever venting I have to say, and he listens and gives advice. And he's just always there. I like that.

Ok, I think I'm starting to sound like a broken record here, so I'm gonna stop for the night.

Love y'all,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oh baby, when you talk like that you make a woman go mad. So be wise and keep on reading the signs of my body.

So today was a little crazy. In between talking with my friends, getting feedback on an essay that I spent an hour working on (and it was surprisingly good feedback), and having a routine dermatology check-up, I barely had time to catch my breath.

But, of course, I managed to catch "Survivor" and my memory is still pretty fresh about what happened.

At Galu, Shambo continues to feel alienated from her tribe, especially since she was the only person who didn't vote against Yasmin. Shambo has always bugged me from the start, so I hope Galu pulls together and eliminates her.

At the Reward Challenge, each person from the tribe has to drink a smoothie filled with disgusting seafood. I personally already hate seafood, but some of the stuff that was blended was just repulsive. I am VERY surprised I didn't throw up during it (altho the only thing I'd throw up would be decaf coffee with chocolate-caramel creamer).. I guess my friend Cheryl put it best: I'm strong and beautiful. Even tho I look like a teenager straight out of the late 90's (I'm thinking Neve Campbell during the Party of Five era?).

Anyhow, Galu ends up victorious after Ashley of Foa Foa is unable to hold hers down. Jeff tells Russell S. to send one person from his tribe over to Foa Foa, he chooses Shambo for the second consecutive time, which doesn't sit well with Shambo.

When she arrives at Foa Foa, she shares the clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol with everyone and searches for it, not knowing that Russell H. has already found it. Liz talks to Russell about how she doesn't trust him, and of course, Russell being Russell, he targets her for elimination.

The Immunity Challenge is won by Galu after both Russell and Liz put up a good fight. The 6 of them huddle close together in their shelter to avoid the rain, so there isn't much strategizing going on.

At Tribal Council, everyone talks about how hard it is to play the game, and trust issues. In the end, Ashley is unanimously voted out 5-1. I liked Ashley. She was a ray of sunshine in my lonely world, never stopped smiling, even when she got voted out. Peace out Ashley, and never stop smiling.

There's my recap for this week. Another great person who does Survivor recaps is Stephen Fishbach, runner-up of last season. He talks about the more stategic moves of the game and his posts are very witty. You can read his latest entry here.

And before I officially sign off for the night, I want to give a shoutout to one of my favorite contestants this season. His name is Brett Clouser and he's a t-shirt designer from LA. I've talked to him on his Twitter and he's an absolute sweetheart. And he's always got nice things to say.

Now I'm gonna sign off for now and watch Private Practice. One of those shows I fell out of touch with but am getting back into.

Love y'all,

Sunday, October 11, 2009

She's the kind of girl that every man wants, she's got the look, she got it from her mom

This past Tuesday, singer Steve Means did a concert at my college. He does college tours. My college is a community college and occasionally we get some musical guests. Steve has been to my school before and he was requested to come back.
So Tuesday he was there, and before his set started, I looked at his merchandise table. I forgot to ask my mom to put money in my checking account so I couldn't buy anything. But I signed up for his email list and when I was done, he asked my name and I told him and we shook hands. And I told him that I wished I could buy a CD but my mom hadn't put any money in my checking account for me to withdraw. He said "aww, I know what that's like. Being a broke musician's kinda like being a broke college student." He told me to check out his music on iTunes and I said I definitely would. And then I gave him a hug and he hugged me back.

During his set he talked with us, joked with us, told him to check out his music on myspace, add him on facebook, and follow him on twitter. When he said he had a twitter (my main social networking site), I called up to him and asked him what it was, and so he told us. And then I called back "I will follow you as soon as I get my laptop fixed." And he said "you better follow me and you better get your laptop fixed." During his set I snuck away for a minute so I could go to the computer lab to follow him on Twitter.

When he was done with his set he stuck around for a bit to sign autographs and take pictures. I had a test to take so I had to do my stuff sooner rather than later, but I was willing. I keep a stationary set in my purse and I tore one of the sheets out for him to sign. Unfortunately I had forgotten my camera so I didn't think I'd get a picture with him, but he told Jon, the guy in charge of running the show "Hey, Jon, she forgot her camera at home, do you mind getting a picture of us on a school camera?" And I was spazzing on the inside. The picture turned out really cute. Then I had to go take my test, so I gave Steve another hug and ran off.

Lucky for me the test was pretty easy and as soon as students are done with their tests, they can leave. So I went back down and Steve was still there, so I chatted him up a bit, and told him my Twitter in case he ever wanted to tweet me back, and told him the meaning behind it. And we talked a little more before he had to leave, and when he did I told him to come back to my hometown. He said he would, that it was nice to meet me, and to take care. Then I gave Jon my email address so he could email me Steve and I's picture together and then went to catch the bus. Steve drove past me in his car and we waved at each other.

Tuesday was one of the best days of my life, thanks to Steve Means. He was just SO nice and fun and talented and I really hope he comes back here someday and that I can go be in the front row.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How am I supposed to breathe with no air?

It's 9:30 pm my time in my crazy little house, and since my computer charger died I have to borrow a laptop to do my Survivor recap. I'll do my best to recap it, but I couldn't get to a computer til just now so my memory may be a little vague.

At Foa Foa, Jaison can't stand the way things are going. I don't blame him. I don't think I'd be able to handle being out in the wilderness.

At Galu, Erik manages to find the Hidden Immunity Idol using the clues that Yasmin and Shambo had recieved. This could help him in the long run.

The Reward Challenge is a more individual challenge: The leaders select two people, one man and one woman, to accompany them to a challenge. Russell S. chooses Dave and Shambo and Mick chooses Russell H. and Natalie. The challenge is similar to Bochi Balls where Foa Foa is in the lead until a final toss by Dave secures their victory. Galu wins chickens to have for their tribe.

Back at Foa Foa, Russell talks to Natalie about taking her all the way to the final two. Natalie agrees to it and states in a confessional that she could possibly beat Russell since nobody likes him.

At the Immunity Challenge, Galu had a strong lead, but during the rope bridge stage Ashley and Russell made up a lot of ground and manage to secure their first Immunity win, which means someone from Galu will be voted out tonight.

Back at Galu, Russell talks with Erik about voting out Monica due to her weakness in the Immunity Challenge, while Monica talks with the others about voting out Yasmin because she doesn't pull her weight at camp.

At Tribal Council, life at camp and the challenge are discussed. Yasmin tries to state her case but ends up being voted out 8-2. Yasmin didn't have much of an impression on me, but her argument with Ben when she came to visit Foa Foa made me like her because Ben insulted her and I felt bad for her. So peace out Yasmin. And try not to kill yourself in the heels you wore into the game.

So there's Lily's Survivor recap for this week. Will try to update as much as I can next week but we'll see how things work out.

Love y'all,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Waitin' for love, waitin' for the same old dreamer on the other side, hopin' no matter how far I'm gonna find my way to you, followin' a rainbow.

Today, I'm gonna make it official: a few days before New Year's Eve this year (I'm thinking December 28th?), I'm gonna start making a list of my favorite things of 2009. I used to do something similar on an older blog, listing my top 10 favorite songs of the year, but I'm gonna make it different on this blog and do my favorite things of 2009 this year.

I have already picked some of the winners, but I am going to post the nominees for things I haven't picked yet. Nominees are subject to change.

Favorite song of 2009:
"So Close" Jennette McCurdy
"You Belong With Me" Taylor Swift
"Raining Sunshine" Miranda Cosgrove
"Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)" All Time Low
"Rainbow" Colbie Caillat

Favorite movie of 2009:
"My Sister's Keeper"
"The Ugly Truth"
"500 Days of Summer"

Favorite new TV show of 2009 (scripted or reality):
"16 and Pregnant"
"Three Rivers"

And there may even be further nominees that haven't been listed yet. I have already picked the winners for other categories, you will see them on December 28th. And I think I will make this a yearly tradition. I like how things change for me over the years.

Like I listed in my nominees for favorite new TV show, I am officially hooked on the new show "Three Rivers". This is a CBS drama that airs Sunday nights after The Amazing Race. It takes place at Three Rivers Hospital in Pittsburgh, and it talks about the different aspects of the hospital: the doctors, patients and donors. I don't know what it is with me and primetime dramas that take place in hospitals (one of my favorite shows is Grey's Anatomy and I also like Private Practice), but I just like them.

Tonight kicks off my TV show week. I will now list the shows I watch on particular nights of the week, starting with Monday and ending on Sunday:

Monday: "Dancing With the Stars"
Tuesday: "Dancing With the Stars" results, "The Hills"
Wednesday: "Glee" (I REALLY need to start watching it)
Thursday: "Survivor", "Grey's Anatomy", "Private Practice"
Friday: nothing
Saturday: "iCarly"
Sunday: "The Amazing Race", "Three Rivers"
Daily: "The Daily 10", "iCarly" reruns, "SpongeBob SquarePants" reruns

When you're single like me, you watch a lot of TV. And all of these shows are awesome in their own way.

And I also watch "At the Movies" online, because where I am it airs at 5:30 am on Sundays, and I don't want to get up that early on a Sunday, so I just watch selected reviews online. I have watched the show since late 2005, and have always enjoyed it. I watched when Roger Ebert and Richard Roeper were the hosts, when Roeper had guest hosts, when Ben Lyons (eeeeee!) and Ben Mankiewicz were the hosts, and now I watch with current hosts A.O. Scott and Michael Phillips. I had seen both of them with Roeper and they were cool guys. And I like the way they interact with each other. When one doesn't like a movie, the other asks why not and they discuss it.

Now I'm gonna go get something to eat, so I will sign off for now. If you have any comments you want to leave, feel free. And you DO NOT have to be a Blogger member to comment!

Love y'all,

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday, but I realized some bigger dreams of mine.

Yesterday I went to go see the movie "500 Days of Summer" in theaters. It came to my hometown a few weeks after it was released and I just haven't gotten around to seeing it til now. And since the other movie I want to see was only playing at the theater in the next town over and I didn't want to make the trip out there on a Saturday (I think a Friday would be better to see a movie out there), I went to see this one instead.

"500 Days of Summer" tells the story of Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Summer (Zooey Deschanel), two friends who are not sure where they stand in their relationship. The movie jumps around the different days of their relationship, beginning at day 1 and ending at day 500. They really like each other and do some romantic things, but Summer isn't sure that they should be boyfriend and girlfriend, as she doesn't really believe in true love.

The two leads are both very likeable (and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is adorable) and they made a sweet couple. The movie itself was very sweet and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. Some of my favorite scenes took place in a karaoke bar, which reminds me of great summer nights that I spent singing karaoke with friends or family.

This movie is definitely one of my favorites of 2009 and I will definitely be buying it on DVD. This movie definitely earns **** out of ****.

I hope I continue to have good movie going experiences when I see "Love Happens", "Fame" and "Whip It". All of these movies are on my list of 5 movies to see this fall, and I hope I can get to see them.

Love y'all,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here we go, way too fast, don't slow down, you're gonna crash

Thursday means that two great TV shows are on. "Grey's Anatomy" is my nighttime soap opera/hospital drama that I'm gonna get back into. And, of course, the show I recap every week for you lovely folks: "Survivor".

So tonight on Survivor, at Foa Foa, Russell H. is still running the show. He's REALLY getting on my last nerve, as is Ben. His comments to Yasmin when she came to visit the tribe really annoyed me.

So Russell spreads lies that Ashley brought up Ben's name before the previous Tribal Council, when it was really Betsy. So Ben wants Ashley voted out. I don't have much of an opinion on Ashley yet, but I don't get why everyone is hating on her when she did nothing wrong.

At Galu, the castaways are becoming more mentally refocused by doing yoga. This does not sit well with Shambo. I have mixed feelings on her which I will explain in a bit.

So the Reward/Immunity Challenge is won by Galu. They win Immunity and comfort. Russell S, the leader, is given the option to get what they originally won, or some pots and pans. Russell immediately takes the comfort. He also chooses Shambo to be sent over to Foa Foa to observe the tribe. Shambo gets along well with the women of Foa Foa. I like that she gets along with them, but her attitude on Galu just bugs me.

Mick, the leader of Foa Foa, talks with Russell H., about forming an alliance and he agrees. Jaison talks with Ashley and Mick about Ben's comments and says that he needs to go.

At Tribal Council, Jaison and Ben argue a lot about Ben's attitude. I gotta give props to Jaison for defending himself. The vote goes unanimously to Ben and he is the 3rd castaway voted off of "Survivor: Samoa". His comments last week and this week really irritated me. So peace out and good riddance Ben!

So that's this week's recap of Survivor! I will try to update often. And there's some movies I want to see, and if I get to see any of them I will give my reviews.

Love y'all,