Friday, April 16, 2010

We can't go on together with suspicious minds, and we can't build our dreams on suspicious minds.

My Survivor recap is one day late, but I figured better late than never.

After the Villains' Tribal Council, Sandra talks about the vote and how her plan to get rid of Coach played out well.

Prior to the Reward Challenge, the tribes are asked to rank the tribe from strongest member to weakest member. This would determine the match-ups at the challenge. The Villains break the Heroes' winning streak and win a feast from Outback Steakhouse. While on the reward, Parvati discovers a clue to a new Hidden Immunity Idol at the camp. She shares the clue with Danielle while keeping Russell out of the loop.

Back at the Heroes' camp, J.T. is convinced that there is a womens' alliance on the Villains side, and decides to give the Hidden Immunity Idol to Russell to save himself should the Heroes win the Immunity Challenge. Amanda and Candice are a little skeptical about it, and rightfully so. J.T. writes a note to Russell about the Idol.

On the Villains' side, Parvati and Danielle search for the Hidden Immunity Idol and find it without Russell knowing. They decide to keep it for themselves and not tell Russell about it.

Before the end of the Immunity Challenge, Colby tells Russell to go talk to J.T. after the challenge, where he would give Russell the idol. The Heroes never lost the lead that they had gained in the challenge and won Immunity for the 3rd consecutive time. J.T. gives Russell the Idol and the Heroes return to camp.

At the Villains' camp, Courtney and Sandra know that one of them is going tonight. Russell shares the Immunity Idol with Parvati and they laugh about the note that J.T. wrote. Parvati and Courtney talk about trying to keep Courtney in the game, and Parvati talks to her alliance of Russell, Jerri, and Danielle about who to vote, saying Courtney would be more likely to stay loyal to them come the merge.

At Tribal Council, Danielle and Sandra argue about trust in the game, because Sandra is not part of the majority alliance. In the end, the votes are cast, and Courtney, the sassy waitress from New York, becomes the second member of the jury in a 5-1 vote. I watched Courtney's first season on youtube. Based on some things I had heard about her, I was prepared not to like her, but after watching her I loved her. Her sassy comments will be sorely missed as they provided comic relief to my Thursday nights. Peace out Courtney, you'll always have a light in my life.

Saturday Night Live is a new episode this Saturday, but in a few minutes, I am going to write a special SNL post about a special about the show that I watched last night.

Love y'all,

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