Thursday, March 4, 2010

If I had just one wish, only one demand, I hope he's not like me, I hope he understands.

I apologize for lack of updates. Due to a medical emergency on American Idol, the performance dates were switched, so due to concentrating on voting for my favorite contestant, I have to re-watch "16 and Pregnant" so I can blog about it.

However, tonight, I was able to watch Survivor, so here is that recap for you.

After the Villains return from Tribal Council, Coach is very upset over some things that Sandra said about him and wants to quit the game. He turns to his former Tocantins ally, Tyson, for support, and Tyson, along with Boston Rob, convince him to stick it up and he remains in the game.

The reward challenge is won by the Villains, redeeming their loss at the last challenge, and wins tools and a tarp, which they selected from a Sears catalog. Inside the tools, once discovered back at camp, is a clue to a hidden immunity idol at their camp. Russell immediately goes off and looks for it, for which Boston Rob targets him.

The Heroes also discover a clue to a hidden immunity idol at their camp, and the entire camp searches for it. Tom discovers the idol and hides it inside his sock. Amanda suspects he found it and targets him for elimination.

The immunity challenge is the only challenge in the history of Survivor that has never been completed. The challenge was originally done in Survivor: Samoa, but was stopped due to a medical emergency. The Villains win the challenge, forcing the Heroes to vote out another member.

At camp, Tom is the obvious target due to having the immunity idol, being a strong competitor, and having already won the game once before. Another target is Colby due to being a strong ally with Tom. Tom wants to target Candice due to her being scatterbrained, but Amanda and Cirie don't want one of their alliance members to be voted out. J.T. overhears Cirie freaking out over voting out Candice, and turns to Colby and Tom about it. Tom comes up with the idea of using the idol he found and voting out Cirie. J.T. is unsure on who to trust.

At Tribal Council, issues of trust are raised. Before the votes are read, Tom plays the immunity idol, negating the votes that Cirie, Candice and Amanda cast against him. J.T. ultimately sticks with Tom and Colby, and Cirie is voted out 3-2-0. I knew that Cirie would be an early threat in this round of the game due to her being one of the greatest strategists ever to play Survivor, so I wasn't surprised that she got voted out this early on. That said, I have always loved Cirie and was bummed to see her go. Peace out Cirie, you will always be one of the best to ever play.

As soon as I re-watch 16 and Pregnant, I will recap that episode. Saturday Night Live's new episode is this Saturday, with host Zach Galifianakis and musical guest Vampire Weekend. Both of these people/artists I am unfamilar with, so this will be an interesting episode.

Love y'all,

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