Thursday, December 10, 2009

Your true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow.

Two days in a row, school has been cancelled. And one of those days was Thursday. And Thursday means Survivor, and Survivor means I blog about the episode.

After John's vote-out, Shambo is stunned. Russell lies to her about why he voted for him, and she believes him and doesn't get mad.

At the challenge, Jeff announces that the tribe will be playing for immunity. Jaison wins the challenge for the second consecutive time, and is safe from the Tribal Council vote.

At camp, Shambo is absolutely sure that she wants Dave out. Monica talks with Russell about the possibility of voting for Shambo, and he flirts with the idea a little. He talks to Dave about voting her out.

At the first Tribal Council of the night, Dave is voted out 7-1. I never really liked Dave. He just seemed sort of standoffish and stupid. So peace out Dave. For someone with an IQ as high as yours, you made some kind of dumb moves. And I also must give a little shoutout to Laura Morett for telling Brett Clouser to "stay strong". I just thought that was sweet.

The next day, Russell decides that the biggest threat left in the game is Brett, which left me sort of stunned. I understand where he's coming from, but I don't think he'll be gone quite yet.

The second Immunity Challenge of the night was basically a neck-and-neck competition between Brett and Mick, with Brett emerging victorious. When that happened I was like "yeah baby!" even tho my mom was behind me. I told her that I have liked him since the beginning of the season, and she didn't say anything back. And with Brett's win, Russell's plan to vote him out fell flat.

Monica tries to scramble to get people to vote against Russell, and she confesses to Russell that she knows what he does for a living and knows that he doesn't need the prize money. Russell tries to figure out who told her and then learns that Jaison had told her. He talks to him about it, and Jaison feels a little worried that there now may be a target on his back.

At Tribal Council, Russell openly wears the Hidden Immunity Idol, and Monica's scrambling for votes is discussed. After the vote, it is revealed that Monica's scrambling proved ineffective as she is voted out 5-2. Monica impressed me. I thought that she would be voted out really early in the game for being weak physically, but she managed to make it to the final 7. So I gotta give it to her for making it out that long. Peace out Monica. Stay beautiful.

There's my recap for the week. I'm gonna try to get warmed up (it was in the teens today, temperature wise, and I had to shovel the end of the driveway, which was very hard). I'll try to post some more later this week.

Love y'all,

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