Thursday, November 5, 2009

You're gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn it to the wick, ooh, barracuda

Another Thursday, another pretty much uneventful day, another episode of Survivor for me to recap.

After Liz's departure, Foa Foa is outnumbered 4 to Galu's 8. They try to stick together because they anticipate a merge coming.

When the tribes recieve Tree Mail, they're not sure what to expect. They arrive at their anticiapted challenge site and find a treasure chest with a feast and a note saying they have merged. The Foa Foa members try to align with the Galu members. Brett of Galu (who I have talked to on Twitter before, he's SUPER sweet) proposes the name Aiga for the tribe, which is Samoan for "extended family". I have some family that have Samoan heritige so they'd be proud to know that.

Russell aligns with Shambo and shows his hidden immunity idol to Laura, Monica and John. He conspires with Shambo to vote out Laura, who Shambo has had a long-going rivalry with.

At the Individual Immunity challenge, Jeff announces that 2 castaways will be winning immunity. John and Laura go on to win immunity, which spoils Shambo and Russell's plans. Erik then decides he wants to vote out Jaison for being useless around camp, but tells the tribe to vote for Monica. Natalie then talks to fellow ex-Foa Foa members Jaison and Mick about voting out Erik for excessive scheming. They agree and manage to talk to the others about voting for Erik.

At tribal council, Russell and Erik argue about the outnumbered tribe. Before the votes are read, Russell plays his hidden immunity idol, but for naught because nobody voted for him. Erik recieves every vote of the tribe except Shambo's. Erik seemed like a nice guy. He had the other immunity idol, and now I'm not sure what that will mean. Peace out Erik. You were a good guy.

And now that Russell is without the idol, what will happen to him? The teaser for next week shows that the tribe turns on him. We'll see how it turns out next week.

There's my recap for this week. I'll be sure to update you on anything else in my life. So far there's nothing else for me to update yet. Will let you know!

Love y'all,

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