Thursday, November 19, 2009

I can't wait for the day to end, so I can finally see your face again, we'll find a way if this wish comes true tonight.

So, it's Thursday night, I have my coffee, just finished off some chocolate ice cream, and now I'm gonna recap Survivor.

I didn't remember much about the beginning of the episode because I was talking to my mom about something. But everyone is still stunned about the move that Russell pulled at the last Tribal Council. That was a very good move.

At the Reward Challenge, Jeff announces that the winning tribe will get a Sprint Palm Prix to take pictures on the reward. The Reward Challenge is won by the purple team of Natalie, Russell, Brett, Dave and Laura. Natalie did a very good job in the challenge despite nearly falling out of the cradle that held her in.

While on their reward Russell looks at the phone and sees a clue for the newly hidden immunity idol, and finds the location where it is. When the castaways returned to their camp, they scrambled to find the idol. Dave tags along with Russell, and then Russell throws him off course and finds the idol. Russell really knows how to find idols.

The Immunity Challenge is done in 2 stages. Mick, Jaison, Monica and Brett (who impressed me in this challenge by knocking out 2 tiles with one shot) move on to the final round, which is won by Mick.

At camp before Tribal Council, Shambo thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to vote out her biggest rival, Laura. Laura talks with some of the former Galu members about voting out a Foa Foa member, and she decides to vote out Natalie, knowing that she is the least likely to have the immunity idol. And John realizes there is the opportunity for a tie, which potentially worries him. If after a re-vote, there is still a tie, the two tied castaways would stay in the game and everyone else draws rocks, and the one person with the oddly colored rock gets voted out.

At Tribal Council, they talk about potentially having a tie and how the tribes are aligned. The vote comes down to a 5-5 tie between Natalie and Laura. Jeff explains how the re-vote works. Laura and Natalie don't vote, everyone else votes for Laura or Natalie. After the re-vote, it is revealed that Laura is the 9th person voted out and the 3rd member of the jury. I have actually gotten the opportunity to talk to Laura a couple of times on Twitter, and she has read this blog. She really enjoyed reading this blog and is very nice. I hope she enjoys reading this one. Peace out Laura, you will be missed.

That's my recap this week. I'm going out of town for the weekend, so I'll try to update as much as I can this weekend.

Love y'all,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My life will never be the same, cause boy, you came and changed the way I walk, the way I talk, I cannot explain

So, tonight, it's Thursday night. That means it's time for Lily to recap this week's episode of Survivor.

The majority of the Aiga tribe except for Shambo voted out Erik, so things are a little stirred. Laura thinks that Russell made a dumb move by playing the Hidden Immunity Idol when no votes were cast against him. I actually kind of agree with her, but still, you never know.

At the Reward Challenge, the tribe is split into two teams of five, with Natalie choosing a side. The purple tribe of Dave, John, Monica, Kelly and Shambo prevail over the yellow team of Russell, Mick, Brett, Jaison and Laura. They win a trip to a rock slide and a picnic. While on their reward, Monica discovers a note that indicates that the immunity idol has been re-hidden at camp. They agree to share the info with the former Galu tribe, but not to tell any of the members of the former Foa Foa.

Back at camp, Russell is determined to find the immunity idol, without any clues or knowledge of there being an idol. And sure enough, he finds it again. I gotta give it to Russell: as much as I dislike him, he IS playing a very good game. He shows the idol to Shambo, who conspires with him to vote out Laura.

The Immunity challenge is won by Laura for the second consecutive time, which once again ruins Shambo's plans to vote her out. Russell talks to the former Foa Foa members about voting for Kelly, seeing her as one of the strongest players in the game. Dave talks to the former Galu about voting out Russell for being a strategic threat.

I didn't hear much of the Tribal Council discussion because I was arguing with my brother (who wasn't being very nice to me). But the vote proceeds. Before the vote, Jeff announces that if anyone has the hidden immunity idol, and they wanted to play it, to do so now. Russell announces that "he ain't done playing yet", and plays the idol again. This time, it works. The seven votes cast against Russell by the former Galu didn't count, leaving only the votes cast by the four Foa Foa members for Kelly to count, and she is blindsided by a vote of 4-0. I didn't have much of an impression on Kelly. She seemed cool. Kinda laid low, but sometimes that works. So peace out Kelly. Looking forward to seeing what you have to say on the jury. Jeff announces that the idol will be re-hidden again. And judging by the preview for next week, the former Galu will do anything to see that Russell doesn't get it this time around. We'll see.

So there's my recap. Comment or whatever. I'll see what else I'll have to blog about during the week. My 20th birthday is coming up, so I'll definitely do a recount of the events of my 19th year too.

Love y'all,

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Down by the river in the full moonlight, we'll be falling in love in the middle of the night.

Hello my lovely blog readers!

As you know, I'm a reality show lover. I watch The Amazing Race, Dancing With the Stars, Survivor, The Hills, and American Idol. I do Survivor commentary right here on this blog. I give my thoughts on music (and I always quote a song in my title).

Tonight, we're gonna do something a little different. I'm going to show you two different dances: the same style of dance, to the same song, but done in VERY different ways.

We will go in order of their season. First, we have Season 5 competitor Sabrina Bryan:

As you can see, she got a perfect score of 30 out of 30 points.

Next, we have season 9 competitor Donny Osmond:

You don't see it in the video, but he got 24 points out of a possible 30, the lowest score of that round.

I personally prefer Sabrina's dance. The technique was flawless, she danced beautifully and it was just amazing. Donny's was a little too over-the-top. And I was kind of upset that they used that song because Sabrina did it so well and he didn't do so well. Even Sabrina herself said that she wasn't happy they used that song.

Speaking of Sabrina, she returns to the ballroom tonight to perform in the Design-a-Dance selected by viewers. Another Paso Doble, to the song "Eye of the Tiger". Her professional partner will be revealed tonight, but I just have a funny feeling that it is Mark Ballas, because he was her original partner on the show.

Now, before I go watch the show, I want to share one more fabulous dance from last night, my favorite one of the night:

Joanna Krupa's Futuristic Paso Doble. I've re-watched this many times today alone. Her partner Derek Hough is a genius when it comes to choreography. And he's a good teacher, a lot of fun, and gorgeous as heck too (even in futuristic makeup).

So now I'm gonna sign off and watch DWTS for real! I'll be back on Thursday for sure, maybe tomorrow as well.

Love y'all,

Thursday, November 5, 2009

You're gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn it to the wick, ooh, barracuda

Another Thursday, another pretty much uneventful day, another episode of Survivor for me to recap.

After Liz's departure, Foa Foa is outnumbered 4 to Galu's 8. They try to stick together because they anticipate a merge coming.

When the tribes recieve Tree Mail, they're not sure what to expect. They arrive at their anticiapted challenge site and find a treasure chest with a feast and a note saying they have merged. The Foa Foa members try to align with the Galu members. Brett of Galu (who I have talked to on Twitter before, he's SUPER sweet) proposes the name Aiga for the tribe, which is Samoan for "extended family". I have some family that have Samoan heritige so they'd be proud to know that.

Russell aligns with Shambo and shows his hidden immunity idol to Laura, Monica and John. He conspires with Shambo to vote out Laura, who Shambo has had a long-going rivalry with.

At the Individual Immunity challenge, Jeff announces that 2 castaways will be winning immunity. John and Laura go on to win immunity, which spoils Shambo and Russell's plans. Erik then decides he wants to vote out Jaison for being useless around camp, but tells the tribe to vote for Monica. Natalie then talks to fellow ex-Foa Foa members Jaison and Mick about voting out Erik for excessive scheming. They agree and manage to talk to the others about voting for Erik.

At tribal council, Russell and Erik argue about the outnumbered tribe. Before the votes are read, Russell plays his hidden immunity idol, but for naught because nobody voted for him. Erik recieves every vote of the tribe except Shambo's. Erik seemed like a nice guy. He had the other immunity idol, and now I'm not sure what that will mean. Peace out Erik. You were a good guy.

And now that Russell is without the idol, what will happen to him? The teaser for next week shows that the tribe turns on him. We'll see how it turns out next week.

There's my recap for this week. I'll be sure to update you on anything else in my life. So far there's nothing else for me to update yet. Will let you know!

Love y'all,